Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rockin' it at Firkus' House!

For those of you who don't know, the Firkus' are Bill's family (my brother-in-law's family). For the past few years we have had the annual tradition at Christmas of gathering at their house for dinner, spoiling of the kids by Denise, and fun in the "man house". This year the kids even tried a sled ride behind the new four wheeler. The "man house" is an extra garage that Doug uses for band practice, complete with instruments, microphone, and fuse ball. Each year we gather in the "man house" and sing together! With Doug on guitar and Matt as lead singer - I'm sure you're thinking...where's my invitation (if you have heard Matt sing)!! It is so much fun, and become something the kids really look forward to each year. This year especially they got into it. Both Collin and Ella took turns singing and playing the piano - favorites included...."Santa Clause is coming to town", "Jingle Bells", and "Happy Birthday" (for Madelyn)! When it's time to go, I honestly can't say who I have a harder time getting out of there, Matt or the kids! We are so lucky to have Firkus' as part of our extended family. Thanks for all the fun memories!

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