Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cinderella at Childrens Theater

This year mommy, grandma and Cyndy took the kids to Cinderella at the Children's Theater. At first Collin didn't want to go. He said "I don't want to go. I don't even like princesses and there probably won't be any boys there". We happened to get the last front row seats. We were seats 1-5, right on the end. It was so much fun. When the characters came on and off the stage they often came right by us. One time one of the stepsisters came off the stage and sat down on the stairs right next to Collin. She was trying to interact with him and he wouldn't even look at her - it was hilarious. When she left, I asked why he wouldn't talk to her. He said "I didn't know she was talking to me" - which is ridiculous because she was literally less than a foot away from him. During intermission the lighting crew was pointing a blue spotlight on the floor just in front of our seats. When the kids tried to jump on it they would move it. So Collin and Ella ended up chasing around the blue spotlight and laughing hysterically - especially when they put it on their backs or heads. Ella was absolutely awestruck watching Cinderella. Even when she wasn't the main focus, Ella would just stare at her. At the end I asked her what her favorite part was. She said "watching Cinderella". Of course the kids loved it, and so did the adults.

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