Friday, April 1, 2011

Sky Zone

We had planned on taking the kids to an indoor trampoline park called Sky Zone tonight.  Collin has been talking about April Fools Day for about a month now.  I meant to get him good this morning and totally forgot.  I figured it would be pretty hard to get him after being at school all day, but I decided to give it a try.  After I picked the kids up from school, I told them to get buckled because we were not going home.  "Where are we going?", they asked.  "You guys both need to go to the doctor to get your shots before school is done", I said.  This sent them both to tears.  My plan was to lead them on until we got downtown to pick up Matt and then let them in on the surprise of where we were really going.  But by the time we turned on to Elmcrest, Ella was nearing hysteria, she was so upset about having to get a shot.  I didn't even make it past the gas station before blurting out "APRIL FOOLS".  Collin was so mad and tried to later claim that I didn't "get him".  He says they were happy tears, because he likes shots now!  Yeah right!

Anyway, so we went to this trampoline park and had a blast.  The kids jumped for an hour straight.  It was so much fun.  When we got home and I was putting Ella to bed.  I said, "Wow you guys must be really tired.  Are your legs tired"?  Ella said, "I think even God is really tired, because my heart was beeping a lot at that place".  (The kids have learned at church that God is always with them, because he is in their heart).  Apparently Ella takes that very literally!

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