Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ella's Gymnastics Showcase

Ella had a big audience for her gymnastics show: 2 sets of grandparents, 3 if you count Denise :), Cyndy, Nora, Megan and Elizabeth....13 in all!!  She had a great time showing everyone all her gymnastics tricks and LOVED getting a medal at the end.

As usual, Madelyn can't wait for her turn to be in the spotlight.

Ella proves once again, that she has no fear!  
Her she is doing a flip into the pit.

Ella kept going to Nora in-between each "trick" to make sure she was watching, or maybe just to give her yet another kiss and hug.  She couldn't even pose for a picture with her special medal without first showing it to Nora.  We are sure going to miss having her around all summer, but we're already looking forward to seeing her this fall.  

Ella works really hard and has lots of fun at gymnastics. We are so proud of her.

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