Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nora comes to visit....and Bill & Cyndy too!

The kids loved having their new cousin, baby Nora stay with us for a week this spring.  Nora was very understanding.  Ella literally couldn't keep her hands off the poor girl.  Whether it was tickling, smooching, hugging, tugging or plain old smothering - Ella couldn't stand to be away from Nora.  Collin was typical Collin - he just loved Nora in a sweet and caring way.  He was always so gentle and concerned.  He loved singing and reading to her.  Madelyn was of course a little over the top with Nora - somehow her voice was always at least 10 notches higher than it needed to be and she was always 10 times closer to Nora's face than she needed to be.  Madelyn loves her and Nora will learn to appreciate Madelyn too someday I'm sure!

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