Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Collin LOVES space!

In first grade this year, Collin rotates through a 3-day schedule.  Library-Music-PE-Library-Music-PE.....So every third day of school he gets a chance to go to the library and check out 2 books.  I am literally not exaggerating when I say that about 98% of the books he has brought home the ENTIRE year have been about space.  I can honestly only think of 2 other books throughout the year that have not been space books.  Every now and again I will ask him if he ever wants to get books about anything else and he will just say "not really".  So, today he comes home and says, "Guess what books I got at the library today"?  This is a normal question and of course without thinking I say "space books".  He pulls out his 2 books and he has "Space Busters: The Race to the Moon" and the Merriam-Webster "French-English Dictionary".  Not exactly what I had in mind when the space books ran out.  Seriously what 1st grader chooses a French-English dictionary - are you kidding me?? :)

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