Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year for Thanksgiving we got to spend the whole day at Grandma and Grandpa Telega's with Brian, Megan, Jacob, and Elizabeth. We had a great day and a great meal. Here's what all the kids are thankful for this year.
"I'm thankful for....."
Jacob: "Disney Land"
Elizabeth: "Mickey Mouse computer"
Ella: "Going to the Mall of America"
Collin: "mom"
As per usual Collin wins moms heart over! If he keeps this up by the time he is 16 he's going to get anything he wants!! Trouble.
P.S. Scott and Sherry I hope you have been saving your pennies because the kids have pretty much been talking about the mall of america for the last 330 days! :)

Ella and Elizabeth might as well be twins...aren't they so cute!!

With all that said, we truly are blessed and thankful this Thanksgiving for our family and friends!

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