Monday, November 2, 2009

Kim's visit to MN

Last week we were lucky enough to get a visit from Kim, Savannah (2 1/2) and Tate (4 months). Both Ella and Savannah are accustom to playing with boys ALL the time so it was so much fun to watch the two of them dress up, play with dolls and ponies, and play QUIETLY. You wouldn't believe how long two little girls can play without making any noise. It didn't take long before the two of them wanted to do EVERYTHING together. Get dressed together, eat the same breakfast together, take baths together, get their hair done name it. Savannah and Madelyn on the other hand had a battle of the "MINE". They were at each others throats the whole week, but make no mistake every second that Savannah wasn't playing with Madelyn she was hollering "Nana where you"! And of course all three of the girls didn't give Tate a moments rest. I think I heard the word "baby" at least 5000 times! We had so much fun!

After watching Ella at dance class. Savannah could hardly refrain, she wanted to dance so bad. So later that night we had a dance party at our house.

We can't wait to see you guys in March!

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