Monday, November 2, 2009

San Francisco 2009

We made the trip out to San Francisco for Cyndy's 30th birthday this fall. The kids of course had a blast.
Always a favorite - The Palace of Fine Arts. The kids LOVE to feed and chase the birds. Madelyn was so funny chasing the birds - she kept making this shrieking sound and running after them. It is so weird, I can so clearly remember the first time we visited SF when Collin was 18 months (Madelyn's age) and one of his favorite things was chasing the birds - funny how that seems like just yesterday.
Hiked up the Lyon Street stairs - couple hundred stairs or something like that. The kids did better than me, Collin was running at the end - who does he think he is....Rocky???
Scott and Sherry have a real indoor fireplace. You can imagine how cool the kids thought it was to make smores inside.
Celebrating Ella's birthday. As you can see she got a beautiful princess crown and some make-up. Cyndy made her a special cake and even let Ella help to decorate it...we all know that wouldn't happen at home!

Aquarium on the Bay....a little touristy but what else can you do when it's record rainfall!! The kids always have fun there, and Madelyn loved looking at all the "fishy".

Carving pumpkins on top of Cyndy and Bill's roof with Rosie (one of the kids Sherry nannys).

You can't tell where she is, but Ella is so happy to be eating at our favorite place in SF - Crepes a Go-Go!!
We went to a pumpkin patch just across the Golden Gate Bridge. They had a corn maze, hay rides, jumpy castle, and of course pumpkins.

Wouldn't be a vacation without a picture of Wall-E!!

On Cyndy's actual birthday and our last day there we went for a hike. It was called "Batteries to Bluffs". It started at Baker Beach with a cool view of the bridge and went up some sand stairs and finished at the bridge. In all the years that we have visited SF we had never actually walked out on the bridge (mostly because mom has ZERO interest in a plane crashing the bridge the second I step on), but the kids were just infatuated with the bridge this year so we decided to go for it.

Madelyn was just the right height to run under the bike rack. She must have gone around and under 100 times!

As usual, we had a great time - thanks Scott, Sherry, Bill and Cyndy for everything!!

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