Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baseball Season is in Full Swing

Collin's first baseball game of the season.  He is playing for WB baseball association this year.  His first game was on a rainy, cold day.  He was so worried that the game would be cancelled.  He is really excited about playing baseball this year.  I'm pretty sure Collin had his hands in the air, cheering for one thing or another for most of the game.  Every run was "the game winner" and every out was, "the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs - world series style".   He really had a great time.  After the game Connor got in our car to head home and he said, "Collin did you see that home run I got"?  Collin responded, "Yeah, dude -  did you see my slide at 3rd"?  It was pretty cute.  I love these years, when life is good and easy and the kids are truly their own biggest fan!!  I know it won't last forever, but I hope that Collin is making memories that WILL last forever - I know that I am!

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