Monday, September 21, 2009

Run, Collin, Run....

While Bill and Cyndy were in town last weekend we spent an afternoon at Doug & Denise's house (Bill's parents). They took us out on the pontoon. We stopped a few times to swim, but the kids were afraid to jump in where it was deep. Doug drove up closer to the sandbar and the kids had fun jumping off the boat and swimming. After getting up a little courage Collin decided to swim/run to shore (don't panic it wasn't THAT far or that deep!). When he got to shore he yelled "I'll race you back to the house"! Keep in mind that we are a GOOD 1/4 mile from the house. We of course thought he was kidding, but off he went. He LITERALLY ran at full speed down the beach. It looked so funny to see this little kid running as fast as he could right down the beach. We started up the engine and took off -- sort of taking our time at first, I figured for sure he would slow down and/or stop half way. "We've got to let him win right", Doug says? But we kept looking over at the shoreline and he was seriously holding his speed. At some point Doug was honestly going full speed on the pontoon and Collin was keeping up with us. All of a sudden the race was on. Collin literally beat us to the dock, he never did slow down. He ran full speed the whole way. I had no idea a little kid could run like that. Matt tells me that 1/4 mile is about the same as 400 yards - that's four football fields at full speed....I would have dropped over dead! When we met him at the dock he was pretty out of breath. Later that night he said it was crazy because he had two hearts - one in his chest and one in his head!! I'll bet!

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