Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ella's 1st Day of Pre-School

Ella was very excited to go to school just like Collin - especially because her best friend Cole is in her class. She thinks it is pretty cool, because she is going to Collin's old school and even has teacher Kari just like Collin did! When we got to school the two of them went right in, found their locker to hang up their backpacks, and headed right into their room. They found their names, washed their hands and off they went to play. I totally assumed Ella would have a fabulous day, but when she got off the bus she was sort of crying and said Cole wasn't on her bus and that made her feel "not very good on the bus". She was sad that Cole got to play outside and she had to go see Teacher Dona (speech therapy). After a little talking and going through her backpack she brightened up quite a bit, and I heard all about their snack, where she sat on the rug, the games that they played, etc. By the end of the day she was telling me how excited she is to go back to school on Thursday!

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