Saturday, March 5, 2011

1st game of Mite Jamboree

We started out the Mite Jamboree bright and early this morning, but the kids were SO pumped!  They got to play on the same ice that the varsity HS team plays on and even got their own locker room.  Win or lose it was going to be a great game.  We played this year's rivals - the grey team.  Throughout the entire game it was close....1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2 and on and on.  There was never more than a one point lead.  About half way through the game Collin got a break away and scored a goal!  They even announced his name, "SCORING FOR THE WHITE TEAM -COLLIN LEE".  We were so excited, and I'm pretty sure he was excited too!  That tied it at 5-5.  It continued to go back and forth until with one minute left in the game a player from the grey team scored to tie it up at 7.  So the game went into a shoot out.  Our players scored on the first 2 shots to win the game 9-7.  It was SO exciting - everyone in the stands was on their feet cheering!!  What a blast!  Here are some pictures and a short video clip of Collins big goal!

Of course - mommy couldn't be more proud!

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