Monday, November 29, 2010

What is Heaven like??

Last night we were doing our Advent time and one of the questions in our book was, "What do you think it will be like in heaven"?  So I asked the kids to each tell me something that they thought about heaven.  I expected some of the regular responses like, you can eat candy all the time, you can stay up all night, there are lots of rides like the Mall of America, etc...something along these lines.  Ella said "I will get to see God a lot", and Collin said "It will be peaceful".  I kind of chuckled and asked Collin, "What does peaceful mean to you"?  He says, "you know like quiet and calm".  I mean seriously what 7 year old boy do you know that describes his heaven as peaceful?  Only Collin, and the funny part is - that really is his heaven!

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