Monday, November 29, 2010

Halloween at School

Ella absolutely insisted on being Cinderella this year!  There was no talking her out of it.  She got to wear her costume to school this year.

Collin had a parade at his school.  Mommy went with Ella and Madelyn.  The girls thought it was so fun to see all the costumes parade through the school, and Collin thought he was such a "big kid".  It was pretty cute.

Carving pumpkins.  Collin and Madelyn did not want to touch the guts.  Only Ella actually stuck her arm inside and helped mommy to empty the pumpkins out.  Collin and Madelyn insisted on using a spoon.  Madelyn wanted a happy pumpkin and Ella of course wanted whatever Collin wanted, and so they ended up with the exact same one.   Oh well!


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