Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Water Park!

We were suppose to go and spend a long weekend at Wisconsin Dells. Of course hours before we were planning on leaving Ella spiked a fever and ended up being diagnosed with pneumonia. That pretty much put a damper on our water park plans! The next day Ella of course was feeling better and we were wishing we had went. Thanks to the generosity of our neighbors we were able to go to The Depot Water Park for a night - which as you can imagine totally made up for our not going to the Dells! The kids had a blast and we were able to take it easy with Ella. Collin and Ella really enjoyed swimming in the big pool, and Collin even went down the big waterslide all by himself (apparently he can pass for 48" - or they just figured he could swim well enough!). Madelyn did not act the way I expected....I thought she would LOVE being there, but every time the train whistle sounded and the water came pouring out she was absolutely TERRIFIED. She was visibly shaken - it was so funny, and it lasted for hours - it wasn't until the second day that she could make it through without crying. She did enjoy swimming in the pool with her life jacket, but was very hesitant about going into the train. Of course all three kids and mom and dad enjoyed lots of time in the hot pool!

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