Sorry everyone....this one is for me (I really wanted to journal about this, and didn't really know where else to do it). Collin was in charge of lesson for Family Night tonight. He chose 1 Samuel 18-20, a story about David and Jonathan. I read him the story and he is suppose to come up with some questions. Usually I really have to help and prompt him - basically I come up with the questions and then during Family Night, he asks them. I was about ready to give up on this idea. But this time I read him the story and then asked him to come up with some questions and he came up with the following 3 questions,
literally all on his own, this was his wording and everything....
1. Why did King Saul want to kill David?
2. Why do you think David's friend thought he should go away?
3. Why did David have so many weapons?
Then he wanted to do a project. At first his idea was to have everyone make a paper airplane - not exactly what I had in mind :). I told him it had to be something about the story, so he decided to have everyone draw a picture about the story and then write what it was about. I am so proud of him - after a year of doing Family Night and helping him make the lesson - He has FINALLY got it!! It is so rewarding when you see a years worth of effort pay off!!
Collin's picture
Ella's picture