Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve 2010....The kids had a lot of fun this Christmas.  They got a ton of presents and got to spend lots of time with grandma, grandpa, Scott, Sherry, Bill, Cyndy and Nora.  On the way home from grandma and grandpas they even saw Rudolph's nose flying in the sky!  Christmas Day 2010.  The kids woke up to a tree filled with presents and pillow pets.  We spent the morning at home and then spent the rest of the day at Telegas opening presents, playing with cousins, eating and snowboarding.  Collin got a snowboard for Christmas and both him and Ella really took to it!  We had a great Christmas.  The kids favorites this year were:  Madelyn - anything Mickey Mouse, Ella - barbies and the big doll house,  Collin - Legos, wii/DSi games and video watch

Ella insisted on wearing her hair in curlers the night before Christmas so she could have beautiful hair!

Mommy was crazy enough to let the
kids try out their new rollerblades in 

the house....that was super cool!!

Can't forget to put out some food
for santa's reindeer, so they know
where to come.

This is what you look like after curlers, snow-
boarding, sleeping, lots of christmas cookies
and over 36 straight hours of Christmas!!

We had a great Christmas.  Every year at this time of year I am reminded just how blessed we are.  It is when we are surrounded by all of our family, watching the pure joy on our kids' faces that I remember that we have it all!  We truly could not ask for anything more than the health of our loved ones, the smiles on our kids faces and the love of our family and God.

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