Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day!

Collin had a blast with April Fools Day.  I didn't really think he would get it, so I had kind of forgot about it.  He came home from school talking all about April Fools Day.  He even tricked daddy.  He called and in a surprisingly convincing voice told Matt that he fell at school and got a broken bone.  Matt totally bought the whole was great, although a little scary how good of a liar Collin is.  Later after putting Collin to bed I played a little trick on him.  After waiting about 10 minutes (Collin wasn't even asleep yet) I went back in his room...
mom-"Wake up sleepy head, it's morning"
mom-"Aren't you going to get up"  Ella has already eaten breakfast."
Collin-"She has?"
That's all it took and Collin was totally convinced.  He jumped out of bed with a big grin on his face, ready to start the day!  It was hilarious.  "April Fools" I say....he thought it was so funny that I tricked him..."Good one mom", he said.  Then he said, "but for April Fools you shouldn't do tricks like that because if you don't tell people that it's April Fools they might stay up way too late and be tired the next day."  I asked him if he really thought it was morning...."yeah, I thought the light in the hallway was the sun coming through the window!"  We snuggled back into bed and had a good laugh together...what a great way to end the day!

1 comment:

  1. Travis pulled the same trick on Brennon. Only he waited until about 11:30pm and then woke him up and told him, "Brennon, hurry, hurry! I let you sleep in. The bus is going to be here in 10 minutes!" Brennon was totally running around his room looking for his sweatshirt, freaking out! Then Travis "April Fools". Brennon had gone to bed a little bummed that no jokes were played on him. So, it was pretty good. But, now he has been racking his brain on ways that he can get his dad back.
