Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Collin and Ella at Swimming Lessons

Collin and Ella are both in swimming lessons now.  Collin can swim the front crawl and the backstroke all by himself - he even adds a side breath!  He has become a pretty good swimmer.  We've been told Ella is the youngest kid that they have ever had in her level (Littles 3).  She is a maniac....she flips and flops and spends the majority of her time with her head under the water.  Although her form leaves you laughing, she is able to "tiger paddle" (what us older folks used to call doggie paddle) independently and then flip to her back for a rest.  She can also float on her back all by herself!  They both love swimming and are absolute fish.  Snorkeling in Mexico is going to be a blast!

They both love to take showers after lessons.  If they swam really good - they will ask if they can have 2 showers!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, after visiting and going to lessons with the kids I can't believe Ella can actually learn anything. You know she certainly can't hear because her head is under the water the entire lesson!! Maybe she has developed dolphin hearing or something.

    It always cracks me up to see such little guys swimming.
