Sunday, December 12, 2010

Annual Christmas Tree Sleepover

Our 2nd annual Christmas tree sleepover.  The kids have been looking forward to this all year.  We snuggled in and watched "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", had popcorn, and talked about what we are thankful for this year and what the present that they wanted the most.  Collin was thankful for his family, Ella was thankful for playing with mommy and daddy, and Madelyn said her nukie and blankie.  Ella wants barbies for Christmas and Collin came up with yet another thing he wants the most, this time it was a new hockey stick.  We all snuggled in and around 11pm Madelyn finally ended up upstairs, she just couldn't stop bouncing around and go to sleep.  This is one of my favorite nights of the year.  I love all snuggling together under the lights of the tree and being so thankful just to have each other.

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