Thursday, September 17, 2009

Collin's 1st Day of Kindergarten

On Collin's first day of kindergarten mommy got to go with him for a half day. We got to meet Mrs. St. Martin, go for a short bus ride, listen to a story, find his locker and drawer and spot at his table, and do a project together. But most importantly we got to do a practice run at the lunch time routine. I insisted that Collin carry his tray all by himself, get his milk and silverware onto his tray and type in his four digit code to pay for it all by himself - but make no mistake, I was just inches away to sweep in in the event of disaster. Of course he did great, he didn't drop his tray or anything, and how cool it was to have waffles for lunch! Look at what a big boy my baby is~as much as I tried to prepare myself for this day it was still hard to let him go!

Oneka Elementary
Collin is very pumped to have a classroom upstairs ~ they have little yellow paw prints on the walls for the kindergarten kids to follow to their room if they get lost.

Collin is very excited about having all his own places to put his stuff - no surprise there!

On his actual first day - no mommies allowed....Earlier in the morning Collin had said he would walk up to his room by himself, then he thought about it for a couple minutes and said "maybe you could walk me up because I know you are going to be a little bit sad." That's my boy! It couldn't have been more true. Collin didn't need me to walk him up, I needed him to hold my hand. He was ready to go, and I was clearly having a hard time letting go. We drove up to school and just as we pulled in his best friend Connor pulled up along side us. Off they went. Their excitement was just what I needed. All of a sudden I realized I just might survive the next 5 minutes. So after posing for a few last pictures, the boys were ready to venture on their own. A last "I love you", a wave and without looking back he headed into that big school with one of his best friends by his side. As I was watching him start into this new phase of his life, I was sure glad to have one of my best friends by my side as I held back the tears. We are so proud of him.

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