Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ella's Dance Recital 2011

I wasn't able to video the actual recital, so this is video from the dress rehearsal - not quite as good, but still super cute!  Ella had such a fun day, she LOVES being on the big stage!  In this rehearsal she looks to the side some to see her teacher ,but she was so proud after the "real" show to tell us that she did her dances without even looking at the teacher!  She was so happy that she could hear us cheering for her, but said that she was "concentrating on doing her dance, so she couldn't see us in the crowd".  I keep wanting to cut dance out of our crazy schedule, but every time I see her up on that stage I think "maybe one more year"!  There is just something about seeing her up on that stage with the lights, and music and costume that makes you smile so big that your cheeks hurt.