Monday, August 17, 2009

Collin's Birthday Party -well parties!

Collin's birthday lasted for about a month this year. He did a bowling party with his friends, a family party at Megan and Brian's, a party while Scott & Sherry were in town, and Como Zoo rides with Xan and Henry on his real birthday!

Even though Collin had a transformers party, he insisted on a Diego cake because it had a compass on it! Thanks to Michael and little work from mommy it turned out okay.

Party at Megan & Brian's. Jake, Ella and Megan made Collin a special transformer cake. The kids played on the swing set, had a bonfire, and did fireworks!

Como Zoo rides....

The Frog Hopper was their favorite!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Collin 6 years

Collin's 6 year pictures! He's a little easier to take pictures of than Madelyn. He's getting so grown up!

Madelyn 17 months

We did our own little photo shoot in the backyard the other day. Madelyn is getting really cute! However taking photos by myself of an 18 month old was not the easiest so ignore the blurriness. It was very difficult to get her to stand in one place for more than a millisecond!

Forest Lake

We met Gerrells at Kids at the Park at Forest Lake Beach. There was a concert, the kids jumped in a jumpy castle, played at the park, and of course had cotton candy - which Ella hated. She tried to claw it off her tongue, but the other kids more than made up for her share!

Collin is getting pretty good at the monkey bars all by himself. The other day at the park he actually did a legit out Michael and Matt you may have some competition for your early morning workouts!

Water Park

For Collin's birthday this year we spent the afternoon with Torin and Vaughn at the Battle Creek water park. Madelyn was all over the place. Collin, Torin, and even Ella went down the big water slide all by themselves with no life jacket. They thought it was so cool.

Playing at Grandma & Grandpa's

Recently we spent an afternoon at Grandpa Mike & Grandma Dixie's. The kids had a blast swimming. We tried out Madelyn's life jacket - and wouldn't you know it, after just a little bit, she pretty much had it figured out. Yeah!!! Now I don't have to get in the pool anymore! She is SO happy to be able to swim around with the big kids. The afternoon was topped off with some ice cream cones...what a great day!

T-Ball Fans

Cole and Ella are getting to be pretty good t-ball fans! How cute are they?!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Connor's Birthday Party

One of Collin's best friends, Connor just turned 6. We had so much fun at his birthday party. They had the party at the beach. The kids got to eat pizza, do a pinata, swim, play in the sand....and of course wear bandanas (it was a motorcycle party)!! I may be a little bias, but I thought Ella was the cutest thing I had ever seen :)

Collin and Connor

Even Madelyn got in on the action.

Doing the pinata

Ella and Cole

Torin, Connor and Collin

Madelyn and Carly (the newest addition to the Gerrell family)