Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lemonade Stand

Our neighbors recently had a garage sale. Jaiden was very excited about selling lemonade. He found quickly that he had lots of helpers. The 3 kids worked together for 3 days straight selling gallons of lemonade. They split up collected money one poured lemonade and one gave change. By the end of the weekend they were literally yelling out..."FRESH LEMONADE HERE, GET YOUR FRESH LEMONADE!!". It was pretty cute. I will admit they were hard to resist.

Soccer Clinic

Kicks for Christ Soccer Clinic. Collin and Ella did really good this year. They both went after the ball and played hard. They both had a lot of fun seeing some of their friends from school there too. Collin saw Tyler from his hockey team and Ella was so excited because Logan (from pre-school) was on her "team"! Ella has been begging all summer to play soccer on team - so we might give it a try this fall.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Third Child....

If you have kids, then you have undoubtedly mastered the art of "listening" while not really listening. You know what I mean....when your child is talking your ear off about something and you nod your head and say "yeah" or "oh really" or "wow", and although you may have caught the just of it, you haven't really heard a word they are saying. Well the other day I was sitting at the island doing something on the computer (with my back to the stairs) and Madelyn starts yelling at me, "mommy say BE CAREFUL....mommy say BE CAREFUL". I ignored her for awhile, not really paying attention. But she persisted, "mommy say be careful". So I humored her and without turning around to look I said "Be careful Madelyn". She repeated, so I repeated. After a couple times of this, Collin said "uhm mommy look at Madelyn". This of course got my attention, so I turned around and found Madelyn perched up on the top of the gate at the bottom of the stairs, grinning from ear to ear......"mommy say BE CAREFUL". Apparently I should pay a little more attention!!